Wednesday, July 29, 2009


You know when you're talking to someone and they are trying to explain their friend that they want you to meet? This is what happens in my head.

person: oh my gosh, I can't wait for you to meet my friend. You will just love her. She is soo cute and funny.

my brain: why would I want to meet a girl that is cuter or funnier than ME?

You know when your teacher in Young Women's tell you to make a choice ahead of time that you're not going to drink alcohol or get pregnant outside of marriage?
I usually decide ahead of time that I don't like things when people tell me that I will love them.


The Kessler's said...

Exactly! I don't want to hang out with someone everybody loves. I want to hang out with everybody who loves me.If I'm expected to give attention instead of get it then I'm not interested.

samantha said...
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