Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sister Henson-Come listen to a Prophets voice

Hello again. Even though I’m pretty sure I begin every email with “Wow, what a week!” I can think of no better description of truth. Maybe a mission is deteriorating my vocabulary or my brain, probably both. Either way, Wow, what a week! The momentum created from last week kept us so busy that the only time we sat down was to watch conference, we may have even taught our lessons while standing, I really can’t be sure ;) Speaking of, conference was incredible. As I heard and watched President Monson, the Spirit confirmed to me that he truly is a Prophet of God. The only man on the earth that holds and is authorized to use all of the keys of the Kingdom of God. I know that he is called to preside over the true and living Church of Christ and that if we will follow his counsel we will be blessed. I often think of the people of Noah. What dread they must have felt when they realized that the rain would not stop. If they had only listened to the Prophet... let's not be like them!
Three of our investigators, Trever, Justin and Keith, who are all set for baptism this month, went to every single session! We had invited them to prayerfully prepare three questions or concerns they had and promised that if they listened intently, than they all would be answered. It was so neat to talk to each of them after a session and hear them say that one or even two had been answered. By the end of the conference, all of their questions were answered! Trever, who had been having doubts this last week, came up to us after the Saturday afternoon session and said “Alright, let’s do this. I’m ready. When can I be baptized?” He will be baptized this Sunday and Keith, our other investigator is getting baptized on Saturday! Miracles! Justin is doing great as well. He is set for baptism on the 27th.
I believe I told you about Matt Young the other week. We had an interesting lesson with him yesterday. We hadn’t been able to contact him for a couple of days, but we had set an appointment with him so we showed up with a member, Kile. He answered the door and was kind of hiding behind it; I reminded him that we had set an appointment. He started to show some hesitancy so I assured him it wouldn’t take long and that it would help him to feel better (he didn’t look so good.) He confessed that he would need to go put some more clothes on (hence, why he was hiding) but that we could come in. A few minutes later, we sat down and started with a prayer. We had planned on teaching him the Plan of Salvation using some visuals that we have, he seemed the type that learns well with those, but they had accidentally been left in our apartment. All I could think to do was open my mouth and so I did. Never in my life have I felt my mouth filled to the brim with words from the Spirit. As they flowed out, I almost sat back in my mind in awe. I truly felt like an instrument in that lesson. The Lord promises us so many times that if we will trust Him and just open our mouths, he will give us what we need to say to help those around us. I know that it’s a true principle. The Spirit was so strong, Sister Moore did a great job teaching, our team up lent his testimony and I could see the Spirit teaching Matt. We invited him to be baptized and he accepted with excitement. We will be helping him to prepare for the 20th of this month. As it turns out, his Dad had a stroke this last weekend but he said he was feeling much better now.
Freido came to the Sunday afternoon session and loved it. I gave him some paper and he filled the front and back with notes and questions for our next appointment, which is today. I’m excited to teach him and hear the questions that he has.
Included in this busy week is Zone Conference! We have Elder Marlin K. Jensen of the Seventy coming to tour the mission and attend our Zone Conferences! I can’t wait. It will be like our own personal general conference.
Thank you all for your prayers! I hope you were all listening carefully to Elder Bednars talk ;) Are you just praying for the missionaries work, or your own missionary work?! Share the one thing that can help everyone, the greatest blessing we have is our testimony of Christ and His Restored Gospel, don’t be selfish ;)
I love you!
Sister Henson