Well I was doing my regular rounds of Blog Stalking today and I ended up on this blog, shorpy.com. It is titled "The 100-year-old photo blog". It has got some amazing pictures on the site! The pictures range from the 1900's to the 1950's. Most of them are not in color and that is my favorite way to view a picture. I want to share with you some of my most favorite ones... If you know me, you know what my reaction was when I saw this one
Mom, doesn't this kid in the front look like Chase?
I could go on forever.... ('Lady in the Water' is my favorite one)
Ok ok, last one...
You get the picture right? Cool Stuff. I suggest if you have 3 straight hours of free time at work (like I do), check out the rest.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Blog Stalking
Posted by Courtney J 2 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sister Henson-Trever's Baptism!
Hello family,
I had one of the greatest experiences of my mission this last week. Trever Graber entered the waters of baptism on Saturday night and it was absolutely incredible. He looked like a little kid at Christmas. I may have told you before, but Trever says that he has been looking forward to his baptism like most girls look forward to their wedding day. Although that placed some stress on me to try and make everything perfect (I would make a terrible wedding planner) I was happy that he was so excited about it. It turned out to be a picture perfect baptism after all. We arrived a little early to warm up the water as there had been several baptisms much earlier that day. I’ve decided that the sound of a font filling is the most relaxing sound; I’m going to find a way to record it and let it soothe me to sleep every night ;) As we sat there waiting for the ward to arrive and the water to warm I finished gathering my thoughts for the talk I had been assigned. Trever asked me to speak on the Holy Ghost; he says that it’s my favorite subject. I do love talking about the Comforter and His many roles in our lives. As I studied the scriptures on the subject, I felt the Spirit relax my heart and mind and reassure me that everything would run smoothly. Trever arrived and you could tell that he was so excited but was trying to play it cool. Adam Peterson was going to baptize him so they went into the back to try on the jumpsuits. OK, at this rate, this email will be nearly 10 pages long. I’ll skip to my favorite part. Sister Moore gave a talk and I began to feel the Spirit so powerfully. We surprised Trever by preparing a musical number, a few of us sang Nearer My God to Thee and I almost didn’t make it through the song. I could barely watch Trever walk into the water through my now brimming eyes. As soon as Adam raised his right hand and said the words “having been commissioned of Jesus Christ” I felt the strongest witness that Adam was doing exactly what Christ would want to be doing, had He been there. I’m not sure that I can paint the picture accurately, but in my minds eye, I could see the Savior baptizing Trever into His Kingdom. I could FEEL the Priesthood authority. My words fail me, as they often do. It’s so hard to describe experiences like these… I then thought of when the Savior was baptized and the introduction our Heavenly Father gave him, “This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” I heard in my mind the same thing with one slight alteration, “This is my beloved son, Trever, in whom I am well pleased.” I know that Trever was doing the right thing. He has chosen to be on the path that the Lord has laid before him, to make his way back into His presence.
One of my favorite things about being a missionary are the times when Heavenly Father gives us a taste of the love that He has for His children that we are teaching. We get a little glimpse of their potential and their divine heritage. I felt that, and it was completely consuming and overwhelming, and it was just a small portion. I cannot comprehend the love that God has for us. As you can imagine, I struggled through the talk I gave after that. I probably cried through the entire thing. Thankfully it wasn’t a sobbing cry, it was just the waterworks. It was a beautiful service. We had a great turn out from the ward, both the Winter Quarters and Cold Springs singles ward. We have combined activities often so many of them know Trever and Justin.
Justin was struggling with smoking last week so he has rescheduled his baptism for May 10th. He is doing great now. I think the baptism on Saturday really motivated him. Freido is also doing well and we have a few other investigators progressing, Kim Belken and Ryan Marquart. We are striving for the Mission of Excellence again this week so please remember us in your prayers again. It’s going to take some skillful planning and many miracles to reach it this week. We just baptized all of our solid investigators! President Bartlett, the Stake President, told us that the Winter Quarters ward set a record for the Stake with three baptisms in a row, one every week. That’s my pattern now I guess; we did the same thing in Gretna. Big batches at one time and a few mixed in here and there. I wish I could learn to be more steady. I’ll probably figure it all out right before they kick me out of here.
Well, I’ll end this letter before it turns into a novel. Thanks for your prayers and support. I love you.
Love, Sister Henson
Posted by Courtney J 1 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sister Henson- One more in the Kingdom
Hello family,
Is it preparation day already? Seriously, where does the week go? Well, we survived another transfer. Sister Moore and I are still together and in the Winter Quarters singles ward! Things are doing great here. Matt Young was baptized on Sunday and it was such a great experience. Actually pretty funny too. Matt is a pretty tall guy, and he asked kind of a shorter guy in the ward, Ryan Hardy, to baptize him. We also happen to have a new ward mission leader, Dustin Dryden, who is new at this whole filling the font thing. Have you guessed what happened yet?! Ryan had to dunk Matt three times to get him all the way under because of the awkwardness and low water levels! After each time, Matt looked up at the witnesses to see if it was ok and would laugh when they would shake their heads no. Things like this happen, I’m just glad that it happened to Matt as opposed to some of our other investigators. He took it fine and it didn’t detract from the Spirit that was felt there. The ward was really supportive and the Bishop was so excited. He is new to being a Bishop so this is his first experience with having new converts.
Trever and Justin are doing well. They both will be baptized this weekend if they continue to kick the cigarettes. They have been doing great so far this week. Freido is also doing well. He came to the baptism and said he was very inspired by what he saw. He is just devouring the Gospel.
Last Friday, for my year mark, I wanted to do something fun or exciting. Since we don’t hold to the “wicked traditions of our Fathers” and burn ties or clothing like missionaries in the past would do on such occasions, I was left to my own devices. I caught wind of a district of Elders who were going soap-boxing and I had to join! Soap-boxing is when you go to a busy area, we went downtown to a big shopping and restaurant area, and stand on the corner and preach, sing songs and try to make contact with as many people as you can. Usually, one missionary stands on a box and begins to testify while the other missionaries stand close by and talk to people as they pass by. It was so much fun and such a great experience for many reasons. First, just being around a bunch of bold missionaries really boosts your Spirit. Taking an opportunity to show that I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ was invigorating. I think it was also a great opportunity for Sister Moore to really get out of her comfort zone. For once, she was left to talk to people, more or less, by herself. She couldn’t rely on anyone else to stop people and offer them an opportunity to hear about the Gospel. She is growing so much, I’m so proud of her. I met some really great people and had some inspired conversations. Several new investigators were found that night. I think it may become a tradition. Friday nights are a little tricky in a singles ward, everyone is usually out on dates, members and investigators alike. The ward heard that we had gone and many of them say they are going to be there this next Friday. What a great way to unify members and missionaries!
We did have one sad thing happen this week, however, I was taught a great lesson. There is an investigator named Zach that we have been teaching on and off for the last transfer or so. He hasn’t been good about keeping appointments or reading assignments but he had come to church so I was hopeful. We went to see him yesterday and he basically said that he didn’t want to do all the things that were required in the Church. He seemed particularly concerned about spending three hours at Church on Sunday and having to live the word of wisdom. He said that he was just content with where he was at, but also admitted that he wasn’t happy. I bore my testimony that true, lasting happiness is found when we follow the commandments. That when we have a relationship with our Heavenly Father and learn to have faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, then we find a support and a peace that surpasses any trial or tribulation. We did our best to give him a glimpse of our eternal perspectives, that this life has a purpose. He said he just wanted to hunt and fish on Sundays. The kicker came when he asked if I would call him after my mission was over so that we could go on a date. I fought to keep my eyes from rolling and my tongue from saying something sarcastic and possibly unkind. I answered with this, “To be honest, no. I don’t want to date someone who doesn’t know what it means to sacrifice. Who can’t give three hours to the Lord on Sunday when He has given us our lives. I want someone who understands what it means to love God more than you love yourself and be able to happily live unselfishly.” I knew I was being really bold but I felt like it needed to be said. I hope that something stuck with him. He promised that he would continue to pray and would turn back to the Book of Mormon when he was ready to do more with his life. I know that sacrifice is a true principle. Elder Jensen said that sacrifice is what builds our faith. The funny thing about sacrifice, is that it is really an investment, because we are always blessed for doing it. So it’s really not a sacrifice after all.
Anyway, I’ll get off my soapbox and save it for Friday ;) Thanks for all your prayers. I love you all and pray that you too have great missionary opportunities!
Love, Sister Henson
Posted by Courtney J 0 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Goo Gone saved my dog's life
So yesterday I went on a wonderfully re-energizing hike up by the "Y", I went with my cousin Steffany and we were hiking for about an hour and a half. After the hike we drove straight home to watch the 'Family Guy' marathon on TBS. What I saw when I opened the front door made me want to strangle my cute little lovable, hairball of a dog. There was RED oil paint all over my micro fiber couches! Remember, I have light tan couches. I went right over to my dog who was sitting with his head down and put him right into his kennel never to be seen again. I was so mad I couldn't even talk. It turns out that Toben(bad dog) had somehow gotten into our kitchen garbage can which is like 3 feel tall. Don't ask me how he did it, I should be impressed.. but that's besides the point. I called Tyler to tell him that his oil paint had devoured our couches and he was furious! He said a few choice words and told me to start looking for some sweet, old lady to come and take him away. For just a split second I wanted to agree but just the thought of saying goodbye brought a lump to my throat. So I tried to calm him down and told him I would look online to see what I could find. I some customer reviews about a product called, "Kiss Off". So instead of our much anticipated marathon, we ventured off to Wal-Mart. After much searching, we came up short. No "Kiss Off" anywhere. Except for the fact that I wanted to tell everyone in Wal-Mart to kiss off (if you don't know me, I hate crowds and people). So I decided to buy a giant sized can of Goo Gone. I have had good experiences with Goo Gone before. It does wonder for gum in your hair. But there is a different, non-greasy kind of Goo Gone which smells like paint thinner(if you know me, you know I LOVE the smell of paint thinner). Anyways, back to the story at hand. I went home with Goo Gone and an 88 cent toothbrush. I was very apprehensive to begin at first because I didn't want to discolor my couches. I should have tested a small spot to make sure but if you know me, you know I like instant gratification. So I started scrubbing away. What felt like 3 hours later, the couches were as good as new(well I don't what they looked like new, I got them on KSL). I am happy to report they look perfect! Aside from the high I felt from the paint thinner smell, it felt so good to show Tyler what a good job I did when he got home from work. He was so happy with my work, he made me a root beer float!
Goo Gone is now one of my top 8 friends on Facebook.
Posted by Courtney J 5 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sister Henson-I'm getting old!
Dear family,
My time is short today so I’ll try to make it sweet. We had an incredible week. It started off with a bang as we taught like crazy with our members. They are so great. They go to work, they go to school, and they take time out of their busy “free-time” to go out with us. The Lord is blessing the area for their sacrifice right now. I just love them. On Thursday we had our Zone Conference with Elder Marlin K. Jensen. It was amazing to sit under the sound of President Newman and a member of the Seventy dictate to us the desires of our Heavenly Father for this mission. I received answers to questions I had about how I could be a better missionary and how I could better progress those that we are teaching. I have already seen great success as we have applied the things taught.
By far, the greatest blessing this week was seeing Keith baptized on Saturday. We saw great support from the members and I could see how loved Keith felt. I asked him afterwards how he felt and he said “Different.” He then went on to say, “The lights seem brighter in here… everything seems brighter.” After his confirmation on Sunday, I asked him the same question. His answer this time was that he couldn’t quite describe how he felt. I can relate to that, I still can’t figure out how the Spirit really feels. It seems to be different every time. As I sat during the baptism as Elder Reynolds gave a talk on the Holy Ghost, I felt a great surge of charity and love for Keith. One of the greatest blessings, in my opinion, of being a missionary, is that Heavenly Father allows you to feel a portion of the love that He has for His children. It’s only a portion, and it’s overwhelming. I can’t begin to comprehend fully the love that He has for us.
Trever and Justin are still doing well but smoking is getting the best of them right now. We’ve been teaching them a lot about faith and the Atonement to help them overcome it. They are both feeling disappointed that they haven’t quit yet, and it’s really effecting their faith. They are scheduled to be baptized the end of the month, my faith says that they will be ready and clean.
Matt Young is doing great. He loved church yesterday and is coming to the Trail Center tonight with Kile, one of our members. He is still scheduled to be baptized this next Sunday, I don’t foresee any problems. He is already living the word of wisdom, which proves to be the biggest obstacle here in Nebraska.
Freido is more prepared than I thought. It is absolutely incredible to see the ways that the Lord has prepared him to receive the Gospel. The topic of the Trinity came up yesterday and I was anticipating some resistance, due to his Catholic background. That was not the case. Apparently, he studied with a couple Jehovah’s Witnesses some years back and that was one of the subjects that they intensely studied. Through that experience he gained a witness that our Heavenly Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are truly three distinct beings. I gained a new appreciation for our friends of other faiths ;)
I’m sorry that this is short. This week is transfers. I don’t anticipate any changes in the companionship… so don’t worry. I also hit my year mark on Friday. AHHHHH! The only reason I remind you is to call some of you to repentance ;) I will return home someday, and when you see me, I don’t want you to feel regret or remorse for not having written me more often or sending me a package. I remind you of this for your own welfare. Plus, if you are in need of blessings, the Lord always blesses those that serve missionaries. That is a true principle. Don’t believe it? Then try it… prove the Lord ;)
Haha. Well, I love you guys. Thanks for your prayers and support. We are going after the Mission of Excellence again in a couple of weeks so get ready to pray your guts out!
Love, Sister Henson
Posted by Courtney J 0 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Belated, but that's not Important
So April 7th was our 1 year Anniversary. It has been a year of growth and learing for us.
Most people say it seems like 'only yesterday', but for me it really does feel like a full year. A very full year. So as a tribute to US, here are some of my favorite wedding pictures. Love you Ty!
Posted by Courtney J 4 comments
Sister Henson-Come listen to a Prophets voice
Hello again. Even though I’m pretty sure I begin every email with “Wow, what a week!” I can think of no better description of truth. Maybe a mission is deteriorating my vocabulary or my brain, probably both. Either way, Wow, what a week! The momentum created from last week kept us so busy that the only time we sat down was to watch conference, we may have even taught our lessons while standing, I really can’t be sure ;) Speaking of, conference was incredible. As I heard and watched President Monson, the Spirit confirmed to me that he truly is a Prophet of God. The only man on the earth that holds and is authorized to use all of the keys of the Kingdom of God. I know that he is called to preside over the true and living Church of Christ and that if we will follow his counsel we will be blessed. I often think of the people of Noah. What dread they must have felt when they realized that the rain would not stop. If they had only listened to the Prophet... let's not be like them!
Three of our investigators, Trever, Justin and Keith, who are all set for baptism this month, went to every single session! We had invited them to prayerfully prepare three questions or concerns they had and promised that if they listened intently, than they all would be answered. It was so neat to talk to each of them after a session and hear them say that one or even two had been answered. By the end of the conference, all of their questions were answered! Trever, who had been having doubts this last week, came up to us after the Saturday afternoon session and said “Alright, let’s do this. I’m ready. When can I be baptized?” He will be baptized this Sunday and Keith, our other investigator is getting baptized on Saturday! Miracles! Justin is doing great as well. He is set for baptism on the 27th.
I believe I told you about Matt Young the other week. We had an interesting lesson with him yesterday. We hadn’t been able to contact him for a couple of days, but we had set an appointment with him so we showed up with a member, Kile. He answered the door and was kind of hiding behind it; I reminded him that we had set an appointment. He started to show some hesitancy so I assured him it wouldn’t take long and that it would help him to feel better (he didn’t look so good.) He confessed that he would need to go put some more clothes on (hence, why he was hiding) but that we could come in. A few minutes later, we sat down and started with a prayer. We had planned on teaching him the Plan of Salvation using some visuals that we have, he seemed the type that learns well with those, but they had accidentally been left in our apartment. All I could think to do was open my mouth and so I did. Never in my life have I felt my mouth filled to the brim with words from the Spirit. As they flowed out, I almost sat back in my mind in awe. I truly felt like an instrument in that lesson. The Lord promises us so many times that if we will trust Him and just open our mouths, he will give us what we need to say to help those around us. I know that it’s a true principle. The Spirit was so strong, Sister Moore did a great job teaching, our team up lent his testimony and I could see the Spirit teaching Matt. We invited him to be baptized and he accepted with excitement. We will be helping him to prepare for the 20th of this month. As it turns out, his Dad had a stroke this last weekend but he said he was feeling much better now.
Freido came to the Sunday afternoon session and loved it. I gave him some paper and he filled the front and back with notes and questions for our next appointment, which is today. I’m excited to teach him and hear the questions that he has.
Included in this busy week is Zone Conference! We have Elder Marlin K. Jensen of the Seventy coming to tour the mission and attend our Zone Conferences! I can’t wait. It will be like our own personal general conference.
Thank you all for your prayers! I hope you were all listening carefully to Elder Bednars talk ;) Are you just praying for the missionaries work, or your own missionary work?! Share the one thing that can help everyone, the greatest blessing we have is our testimony of Christ and His Restored Gospel, don’t be selfish ;)
I love you!
Sister Henson
Posted by Courtney J 0 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
My favorite things
So I have been thinking for a while now and I have come to the surprising conclusion that not everyone sees life as a joke. Almost everything that happens in my life, I make a joke out of. It is guaranteed that I will laugh really hard at at least one thing everyday. Its just so easy to find things to laugh about. Crazy people, mad people, tough guys, cool guys, wanna be cool car guys, people that think they're funny, people who get hurt/embarrassed then get mad cause they're embarrassed, awkward moments, awkward silences, awkward looks, bad jokes, bad clothes, falling(anything to do with someone falling is always funny). It is really hard for me to accept that some people are so serious all the time that they never realize all these hilarious things happening everyday! I don't think I will ever get bored of living for all of these reasons. I am a people watcher so I really do notice EVERYTHING that happens around me and it is amazing how much you can see when you just sit back and observe. I have become very good at seeing the things people do and say and the reasons why they do and say certain things. Confusing I know, it has taken me 22 years of perfecting this skill. Guys, it's OK to laugh at things, try it.
Posted by Courtney J 4 comments