Monday, June 15, 2009

Carnal Beings

I learned something new about myself yesterday during church.
I am absolutly repulsed at the idea of breast feeding. Even the Phrase, "Breast Feeding" and "Nursing" send shivers down my spine.
I don't know what it is but it's just so gross to me.
So when I have a baby, will I change my mind and will my motherly instincts take over and I will want to nourish my child by having them latch onto my boob?
I really hope not.

Is this wrong?


Megs said...

Not sure if your motherly instincts will change your mind. But maybe the fact that it's cheaper and organic might...

maggie-t said...

nope, don't think it is wrong. It is just preference. There are a lot of women who don't like breast feeding.

The Kessler's said...

Of course it's wrong. That's like telling your kid that their health isn't important if it makes you feel gross. Formula isn't as good for babies as the other thing, and besides that, that sick word I wont say is really important for their development. It's part of the bonding process, and I'm sure God put alot of thought into it when he made you.

Courtney J said...

Hey, just being honest. Doesn't mean I won't do it.
I do a lot of things that really disgust me like small talk.

Ana Steinagel said...

Sounds like church was interesting.

Erin said...

Haha, I completely agree with this. I'm sure that when the time calls, baby + boob =...meh, I don't know what that equals. But I bet I'll do it...and I bet I'll feel weird about it. Glad I'm not the only one.

Anonymous said...

I think breast feeding is gross, also. I'll pump my milk and feed it to my baby in a bottle. My breasts are for my husband only. My sister feels the same way.

(You're hilarious, by the way. Small talk disgusts you? Ha!)

Steffen'effer said...

I think boobs make milk.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to double-comment, but I just wanted to make sure that nobody misunderstood me. When I said "My breasts are for my husband only," I meant that I feel like there can only be one purpose: either physical intimacy or sustenance.

Courtney J said...

haha I totally agree with that.

samantha said...

heres just one small tid bit that might make it appealing, when you...make milk for your child... your boobs get massively huge and stay that way until you decide to stop. Motherly instincts may not kick in, but the amazing way your boobs fill out your clothes and swimming suit plus all the attention you get from your husband might just do the trick. And plus after all the gross and embarrassing things you have to go through while being pregnant, that doesnt seem so bad.

Cait said...

Okay so my two cents on this one . . . it kills like a mo fo. But I did like the fact that baby girl was getting the good stuff. I didn't "nurse" though mainly because she couldn't get it figured out and it hurt so bad that I didn't really want to push it. I pumped for about the first month and a half and that worked great. But now I am strictly giving her formula and that has been great. But heck yeah my boobs were awesome when I was producing milk :-) it was amazing, I think you might like that part about it :-)