Thursday, December 4, 2008

Spel Chekk Plese

Since I get paid 8 hours a day for blog stalking, I have noticed some things. People cannot spell. I go through blog after blog, post after post of horrific spelling & grammar. I just don't understand. Are people just that confident that they think they don't need to use that cute little ABC check mark in the corner? Is it just not important in their life? Are they just so rushed and busy that they think as long as they get the time to post, we will excuse this horrible sin?
I would take time to point out a few, very common mistakes that I see on a regular basis, but that, I feel is just too offensive to the English language and to my fellow bloggers. If you do not know the difference between they're, there, and their. You're dead to me.
Seriously. I didn't even graduate!..It's true. No cap and gown for me but I can sure as hell spell 'accessory' any day of the week.
As I look through my past posts, I notice that I complain A LOT.(<----see that? They are two separate words) But that's what I do. I notice things about that world that bug me. Why hide my true feelings just cause I have a blog that everyone can read? If someone isn't around to point out every one's flaws, how can they improve? I feel this is my civic duty. Why I was put on this earth. That and to save the animals of course. Which by the way is going great.
Is it too much to ask for everyone to promise me they will use spell check before they post?

By the way. I have noticed lately that when a man is with his wife/girlfriend at a social gathering, he will start to tell a story whether it be about another person, a trip they went on, etc. Sometime during the story the man will lean over to their woman and ask them to confirm a specific fact. A person's age, the date of the trip, etc. The woman responds, then the man instantly questions the woman's answer, or rejects the answer altogether! What?! Why even ask? Is it just a ploy to remind the woman that she is always wrong? In another life I'll become and man and figure it out.

And I know what you're thinking. I spell checked this post. Just because I knew you were going to think that, I didn't.


Jodi said...

you miss spelled hours...:)

Jodi said...
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Lizzie. said...

Haha you are hilarious! I agree with you though, people are not the brightest out there. However, I know I make mistakes in mine sometimes and it's honestly because I'm always rushing and don't go back an proof read. I may even had made grammar and/or spelling mistakes in this comment! Thanks for that post though my dear. Good laugh