Sunday, October 2, 2011

at least I can't do this

11 weeks. Until baby gal comes. I have had two dreams where I've had the baby and I can see what she looks like and then I wake up and I'm really mean to everyone the rest of the day because she isn't really here.
Last week of school is on the 8th and I don't know if I can even use the word 'excited'. I'm just happy that I won't be so mean to everyone. I'm surprised people even talk to me anymore. Shout out to all you guys.
I started to incorporate a few different things into my massage recently so my hands don't hate me everyday and it made me actually like giving massages. Once I graduate, I can give you one. If you can do something cool in return maybe we can even trade.
The baby shower that my mom and sister are doing is coming up and I'm really excited to see how cute it's going to be. It's going to be cute because my mom and Meagan are really good at making things cute. I try to make things that are cute but I usually get distracted and stop halfway through so it ends up looking trashy. I feel sorry for my sister for when I plan her shower. Sorry ahead of time.
Ty and I are starting our baby class this week. It's at this house and some girl teaches it. She is trained in hypnobirthing, Bradly Method and probably some other stuff too. I am excited for Tyler to learn. He doesn't really listen to me when I try and teach him about labor and delivery but probably mainly because I just talk about how hospitals are just trying to make money off of everyone. I really need to calm down with all these crazy baby conspiracies.
I don't when I went so crazy. I blame Netflix mostly.


Lydia said...

what the...

samantha said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahhaaahahaahhaahhahahaahhahahaahahahhahahahaahhaahahahahahahah that vidoe is so funny!! When he laughs? Hahahahaha his cool faces! Pointing at stupid things hahahahahahahahhahahahahaahhhahah love! Now I'm going to be singing the stupid lalalalas all day. I totally remember being pissed when I dreamed about baby and woke up still prego! I can't wait to see her do u have a name yet?

Jodi said...

sounds like the things grandma makes me watch on youtube when I go home...hahahahahahaha

Hannah S said...

GOod luck with the birthing class :) :) And, is the knell side throwing you a shower too? Or is that to whom you are referring? I want to see some belly shots!