Friday, October 16, 2009

Shmay Shmess Shmell

We have been looking to buy another car for a few weeks. Of course, first stop. KSL. I think out of 10 emails I have written to get more information on a car, only 1 ad has been legit. Here is a great example. This just happened 2 seconds ago from "Rhonda".


First let me thank you for contacting me. The car has no scratches, damages and never suffered accidents. The condition is pristine, original paint, engine runs smoothly. As I already had a previous buyer who made me start all the necessary things to sell it, his loan didn't get approved and now I'm stuck with the car at the shipping company which I have already paid for their services.
I'm working for government and I have dedicated my life to gain this job and now, I want to buy a family car because in 2 months we will have twins. We have made this decision and now we need to sell. It's not simple in a time like this with the cash around the house.The final price is $4,950.00 including shipping in US, and delivery to your home address in hope of a fast sale.So if you decide to buy this car or need further information please get back to me as soon as possible.You need to decide soon, at this price the car is not going to be on the market for long.

Thank you,

My response..I couldn't resist.

1:37 PM
I have received two other emails from sellers stating that they are out of state and need to ship the car to the US.
Must be a trend these days...good luck with the twins..hope you get enough time off from your awesome government job to take care of the babes.


Tawny said...

haha, stupid skammers!!!!!!!!!

Hannah S said...

Ya, we got one from a poor unfortunate American "soldier" who needed to ship it to us too. Glad to know you're not stupid like so many others who would actually follow through with it!

Natalie said...

We are selling our car if you are interested... it's on ksl and it's a 2007 Nissan Altima (white). Let me know if you are interested... we're not scammers