Monday, March 16, 2009

Am I too old to play tag?

5 Things I was doing 5 years ago:
Ditching classes in high school

stalker missions with Jennifer and Ana

waking up at noon everyday

Driving on the 'Dyke' in my Trooper

Nightly 9 p.m.-7 a.m. talks with Dave Padeken in his $50 Red Impala

5 Things on my to do list for today:

It is Dish Monday(yes I do dishes only once a week) but My Ty just told me
he already did them. I about had a heart attack.

wash dog

cut dog's hair( I do it myself I'm that good)

put fruit in my new fruit bowl

house hunt

5 Things I would do with a million dollars:

Be rich

Buy my parents a new house

buy my dream house

boob job-we're being honest here aren't we?

buy 30 dogs and cats

5 Places I have lived:

Phoenix, AZ

Orem, UT

Provo, UT

Steffany's floor

Ana's couch

5 Jobs I have held:

Western Watts

Durango Grill

Lincoln Law

Utah Legal Services

Micron Building- Clean Room..cleaner person. White space suit and all..
favorite job by far

5 Things I want to be doing in 5 Years:

Have babies everywhere

Have fun with Tyler

Be a hot mom

Decorate my own house

Be spiritually sound

5 People I tag (Or anyone else who has the inner desire to do this):







Ana Steinagel said...

I love how you lived on my couch! & yes we'll play this weekend. I work from 10-4. I don't have anything planned after that. Call me because I got a new phone on Saturday and can't find my old one to transfer numbers. (again.) I love ya!

Jodi said...

sorry sis...I am too old to play tag :)

maggie-t said...

too fun! i loved your answers!

The Springers said...

I was just thinking that I cant believe it has been 5 years since high school.. We are sooo old!