Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Miss Me?

Coco's Guide for the perfect shower.

Rule #1 There is magic in the details. Plastic frozen ice-cube babies are always a hit.
Rule #2 If there is no food for the first hour, it could get awkward. Make sure the food is the FIRST guest.
Rule #3 Never stop texting.
Rule #4 Shoot for that the shabby chic look in your home. Spackled floors and wires shooting out of walls are my personal favorite.
Rule #5 Don't try to bribe little girls for their last sucker. It's just mean.
Rule #6 Make sure to seek out the person of honor and attempt to re-enact a tender moment from a wedding you recently attended.
Rule #7 Refer to Rule #2
Rule #8 Keep the person of honor happy. Sashes and tiaras are a must for any occasion.

There you have it. When it comes to showers of any kind. Go big or go home.

Love you Chels.


Ali said...

thank goodness you posted. this is my kind of baby shower, especially the creepy ice babies.

Chelsea Lynn said...

hahahahahaha im laughing so hard. Thanks love, without your touch it wouldnt have been the same, you should host more party's! haha love ya! ;)