Thursday, February 28, 2008


What I was doing 10 years ago......FEB of '98: I was 12...probably wearing a giant shirt with huge bangs.

5 Things on my "To-Do" list:
1. Keeps my cousins alive while my aunt and uncle are away.
2. Keep the dogs alive
3. Laundry
4. Watch American Idol
5. Laundry

3 bad habits I have:
1. Smelling gasoline and paint thinner
2. Late library books
3. Candy

Day of choice? Sunday

Places I've lived: (in order)

Favorite indulgence: Movie Theatre popcorn

Phobias/fears? Spiders and earthquakes

Reason to smile: Tylers art

Season of choice: Spring and fall

Vegetable: acorn sqash and corn

Oranges or Apples? apples, Fugi!

# of brothers/sisters: 1 sister, 2 brothers. 1 brother in law, 4 sisters in law

Tag Cait and Lizzie