Saturday, December 4, 2010

Weaknesses of the Flesh

You know how some blogs are somewhat interesting until the girl has a baby and then the blog turns into a look-how-cute-and-smart-my-baby-is-blog?
I don't have a baby but I do have MS.
This blog in now officially my "Let's talk about how NOT cute my MS is blog."
Have you ever been intoxicated in anyway with either alcohol or pills? If so, you'll know what I'm talking about.
The dizziness that lives with me every single day is like being drunk 24/7.
I can see the images in front of me but I can't, for the life of me, focus on just one object.
It's like my eyes just constantly jump around all day.
Watching TV,texting, reading and being on the computer make this dizziness substantially worse.
Which makes life really suck.
Now moving onto my balance. I have none.
I tend to lean towards the right as I walk down the halls and isles which makes me look like a wino.

I am fatigued after showering and crying really knocks me out.

Before November 4th, I really thought I could call myself a strong person who could handle almost anything. Just in the past 3 years I have dealt with 2 years of disabling back pain, 1 back surgery, 1 possible second back surgery, infertility, loss of jobs, and depression.

Over coming some of these things, you would think I would be a strong person right?

I can 100 percent, wholeheartedly say that I am NOT as strong as I thought.

My days consist of waking up, crying, yelling at Tyler out of frustration and fear, sleeping.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

I just can't figure out how to NOT less this take over my life.
I am so disgustingly sick of talking about it but I know some people
like to know about it and about how I'm feeling so I don't want to deny them a chance
to learn more about MS.
I have become a thousand times more emotional than I was before if that's possible.

I had an amazing epiphany during sacrament meeting last week as we were singing the sacrament hymn.

Jesus knows what it feels like to have MS.
He knows how it feels to be too tired to smile and say that everything is going to be okay.
Because the truth is that I have no idea if things are going to be okay.
But I know someone who knows how I feel and that in itself is so comforting.

During fast and testimony meeting today someone said that fear and faith cannot exist in the same space.
I know that I need faith but it's so much easier said than done when you're in the middle of feeling like a 24 year old stuck inside an 80 year old's body.
It's easy to have faith when you feel healthy and strong.
I am working on this faith thing.
There is so much more happiness in faith.
I know that.
I need to be happy again. My husband needs me to be happy again.
My mom and sister need their hilarious daughter and sister back.

Among other things, maybe this trial was given to me to force me to truly understand what faith means.

I see my neurologist this week to see about medications and other treatments. Her name is Pamela Vincent and I know that she is my girl. There have been too many signs leading me to her that I can't deny.
She recommends yoga to her patients for goodness sake!

Right up my granola ally.


Chelsea Lynn said...

Court, I love you(hope im not a look how cute my baby is blogger, thats why I have 2 haha) but reading this brings tears to my eyes, but I hope you continue to blog, because I love reading everything you have to say and keeping up with how you are doing! I have no doubt in my mind that you will be able to get through this. :)

Jodi said...

glad your putting on paper so to speak...and meagan and I will take you any way we can get you, so no worries there :)

Keep writing

The Kessler's said...

Still want to have Monday play-dates? I do. K Bye. Oh and I'll never be a sick baby blogger. Every baby has been cute since the beginning of time. Nobody cares.

JULIE B. said...

I am a sick baby blogger... sorry but true... I do it for my son's crazy Grandmother Disney in CA- My Mom! I wanted to say... Courtney... I really enjoyed reading your posts... I am sure you know about my family and our history with MS. I know it's been years but if you ever need a break or want a change in your every day routine... head north... My door is always open... I know some great home good cooking meals here in these small towns... Keep us posted!

Megs said...

What are you talking about? You're still hilarous with MS.

raina said...

A. You're still hilarious.
2. Your comment about faith and fear really hit home with me and made me stop to think. Made me think I need to find my faith again in so many things. And yes, it is so much easier to have faith when one is healthy.
3. Through family and friends, you have an amazing support system.
D. I vow to google ms instead of ask. I am certain it gets tiring. ;)
And apparently, atticus just said a prayer for you. He folded his arms and said, "amen".
Amen, sista!

Jodi said...

I don't know why my list of blogs didn't tell me that you updated yours when you wrote this post.

I love you and I hate MS and your sister is right you are still hilarious.

Jessica said...

Courtney, you are in my thoughts and prayers.