Coco's Guide for the perfect shower.
Rule #1 There is magic in the details. Plastic frozen ice-cube babies are always a hit.
Rule #2 If there is no food for the first hour, it could get awkward. Make sure the food is the FIRST guest.
Rule #3 Never stop texting.
Rule #4 Shoot for that the shabby chic look in your home. Spackled floors and wires shooting out of walls are my personal favorite.
Rule #5 Don't try to bribe little girls for their last sucker. It's just mean.
Rule #6 Make sure to seek out the person of honor and attempt to re-enact a tender moment from a wedding you recently attended.
Rule #7 Refer to Rule #2
Rule #8 Keep the person of honor happy. Sashes and tiaras are a must for any occasion.
There you have it. When it comes to showers of any kind. Go big or go home.
Love you Chels.