Saturday, February 7, 2009

Married Birthday

Once you are married it's like this automatic sign gets put around your neck warning everyone that you are not allowed to have fun. If you are thinking in your head, "Not me, I still have fun!" You're lying to yourself. Take for instance birthdays. Dinner out seems to be the highlight of the day. sad? maybe. Even the birthday card that comes with your flowers gets exponentially more dull.

such a romantic this one.

He did redeem himself with this beautiful cake though. He was going for a springy, meadowy scene, it looks to me like he just got color happy...but of course I eat anything.


Kjell Crowe said...

that's an awesome looking cake!
Happy Birthday....belated.

Auntie Allie said...

Sweetie, you were so brave to eat that thing. Happy Birthday !!! xo