June 21st was the day that Josh Knell and Dee Kowalski got hitched! Josh is Tyler's cousin and Dee is a long time friend, former roomy and 3 time fellow employee. The two met through muah, I will take full credit for having the divine idea of getting them together through the magical game of Guitar Hero. Me and Ty had the honor of being in the bridal party. It was a very happy day although it was very warm. I couldn't be happier for these two crazy kids.
(I would have better pictures but I'm still waiting for the Photographer/cousin, Jesse Draper to post them on his website so I can steal them.) Best picture of the day.
2nd best picture of the day
Groom and Ty(note the bouquet in Ty's hand)
Dee and Josh cleaning cardboard cut-out Ben up.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Josh and Dee's wedding
Posted by Courtney J 1 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
It's so close now, I can almost taste it..
Hello family,
As I sit down to write another week of highlights, I’m trying to figure out
where this week went. Seriously, this is getting insane. I’ll try to pull
out moments of the blur.
We were able to work with the members in a new way this week. We actually
went on splits. Usually, a member just comes with us to teach. But because we
were trying to make the most of our shortened time in the field, we double
booked appointments and split up
with members to teach. It was a great
experience for member and missionary. I just love seeing the members grow and
become more bold and powerful in their teaching. Will McSweeney came out with
us several times in fact (not on splits, but team-ups). I have never seen
someone grasp onto the Gospel so quickly and just start running with it! He
has been studying, and I mean studying, the Gospel. He has also started to
read out of Preach My Gospel. I’m just so impressed with him; he is
certainly one of the Lord’s elect. I’ve been talking to him about serving
a mission. He would make an incredible missionary; he’s got a passion for
the Gospel and has already been telling co-workers and family about it.
Members are really taking off with their own missionary work. We started
teaching a couple of their friends this week. One member actually set her own
goal to have one of her friends baptized! I’m
so grateful to have served in
Winter Quarters this long and see the work progress from zero to hero! I’ve
found that when we truly have faith in the Lord and His work, then we enable
the miracles to occur. The Lord wants them to happen everywhere, but He is
limited by our faith. If I’ve learned anything serving a mission, it’s the
power of faith and to not limit the Lord. All things are truly possible!
The mission broke records this last week with the Mission of Excellence! We
are seeing all new heights here. Our Zone only missed the Zone of Excellence
by a few at church. The goal is within reach now, we can smell it, and we’re
going for it again this week. I’m determined to show the Lord my faith by
busting my gut until we achieve it!
I love this work!
Love, Sister Henson
p.s. Sorry this is a short email, limited time and a blurred memory of the week
add up to, well, apparently not much
Posted by Courtney J 0 comments
Tagged-ABCs about Me
A) attached or single- very very attached
B) best friend- Ty and Mom
C) cake or pie- Spice Cake
D) day- Sunday, loves those after church naps
E) essential item- chap stick/lip gloss and hand sanitizer
F) favorite color-rainbow
G) gummie bears or worms- worms
I) indulgence-cookie dough and gasoline
J) January or July- July
K) kids- yes please!
L) life is incomplete without- Tyler and all of god's creatures
M) marriage date- April 7th 2007
N) # of siblings- 4 including me
O) oranges or apples- Apples...see previous post
P) phobias or fears- any natural disaster and ear wigs
Q) quote-If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
R) reason to smile- Tyler's weird noises
S) season- Fall
T) tag- Ana, Mom, Cait and Afton
U) unknown fact about me- if any part of my body gets touched(for example, my right hand) the other hand needs to be touched too...to keep things equal
V) vegetarian or oppressor of animal- Let's all say it together-VEGETARIAN
W) worst habit-leaving the front door open
X) rays or ultrasounds- ultrasound!
Y) your favorite food- Indian Food
Z) Zodiac sign- Aquarius
Posted by Courtney J 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
We love dads
This first picture is of my amazing father-in-law, Sam, posing in his new Man Apron that Ty and I gave him. My mom made it, it turned out very cute, I mean.. Manly,very manly...
This is my dad on Father's Day, he works so hard so he sleep a lot haha. As you can see, I have an awesome fan dam. Sorry dad, this picture looks like you are wearing a white sheet as a shirt.
We love our dads.
Posted by Courtney J 1 comments
First of many late posts
Things have been pretty crazy these past few weeks. First of all, I got laid off from my job. It was really hard at first because I really loved working there. I worked for a non-profit organization and they are losing funding so I was one of many that got x-ed. Now I'm just going to interviews and waiting for responses. This will be the first of about three posts to get everyone updated on the Jarmans .So I'll get to the point.
A few weeks ago, Emma was able to hang out with us for a night while the rest of her family was at Girl's Camp. We got shakes from Rocky Mountain Drive-In(buy 1 get 1 free Monday and Wednesdays), gave our dog, Sir Toben a much needed bath and watched High School Musical 1 and 2(Ty's Favorite part of the night) (Toben pre bath calming his nerves with a big Cuban)
(Toben post bath looking like Master Splinter)
(Tyler just five minutes into the first HSM movie)
Thanks for hanging out, we love you Emma!
Publish Post
Posted by Courtney J 2 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sister Henson-Nebraska IS a foreign mission
Hello again,
I survived another week here in Oz! Not sure if anyone watches the weather
very closely here in Omaha, but we had a crazy storm here on Wednesday. That
morning was great as we enjoyed attending Zone Conference and being inspired
and edified. We headed afterward to downtown Omaha for dinner with a member,
Jessica Heaps, and two
investigators, Jen and Cassie. We sat down for dinner
and just after the prayer was finished we heard the first tornado siren sound.
We happened to be on the third level of a big apartment building and could see
some dark clouds way off in the distance. We decided to keep eating and
ignored the next two sirens that went off. We watched as this giant, black,
wall cloud start towards us. Jessica turned on the news and we saw this huge
storm stretching across Nebraska headed right for us. Within this storm were
several tornados and funnels. It was at that moment that we started to get
nervous. Thankfully we had finished dinner and we so we headed into the
stairwell on level one, which was below ground. We met and chatted with a lot
of the other residents and took the opportunity to teach because no one could
get away! There was a young guy, probably around 24 who had known some members
at his previous job and
he started asking some questions. He asked if we had a
certain number of people that we had to convert before we came home. I laughed
and told him that we don’t convert. We simply share with others what has
brought us joy and what we know to be true and invite them to find out for
themselves. It’s the Spirit of God that converts. He asked if I had ever
seen anyone convert. I told him about Will and how two weeks before he was
baptized he considered himself an atheist Jew. He was very shocked by that and
you could see the thoughts that were running through his mind. It probably went
something like this, “Wow, if they could convert an atheist Jew, then I
don’t stand a chance. I’d better get out of here before they get me
too.” He left pretty quickly after that. I got a good laugh out of it. You
could really see the worry on his face that we were going to “get him.”
Thursday Will went to
the Temple to do baptisms for the dead! He loved it
and it was such a great experience for him and us. He has been out with us a
couple of times to teach other investigators and has done a great job. Sunday
he was asked to bear his testimony and it was very sincere despite his apparent
nervousness. He also passed the sacrament. I love seeing these recent converts
progress so quickly. I love being able to see them enter such a sacred holy
place and feel the Spirit that is there.
Jen and Cassie, who I mentioned earlier, are preparing for baptism in July.
Cassie has already received a witness of the Book of Mormon and is reading it
like crazy. She is truly feasting upon the words of Christ and I have noticed
her countenance change. Jen has a friend in Illinois that is a member and he
has been helping her progress as well. I love members!
This week is another Mission of Excellence week. We had a Zone
Meeting this morning and we are feeling so excited. Sister Hansen and I gave a training on
developing faith. We actually focused on how to remove doubt. It’s amazing
all of the stories in the scriptures of people who were hindered by doubt (like
Peter when he attempted to walk on water) or blessed for their exceeding faith
(like the Brother of Jared). Where fear and doubt are, faith cannot exist. We
are actually going out on splits tonight with some sisters in the ward to try
and teach as many people as possible. With how busy it’s been in the trail
center we haven’t had a lot of time in our area. We have so many people who
are ready to progress but just don’t have enough time to teach them all.
Well, I’m sorry I’ve got to run. We don’t have a lot of time today.
Thanks for your prayers. Please up them this week to help our Zone reach the
I love you!
Love, Sister
Posted by Courtney J 1 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Proud to be a Crazy Cat Lady
Even though my parents HATED the fact that I got them a kitten for Christmas, they are totally smitten over her little babies...how can you resist this?? They're like mini cats.
Posted by Courtney J 5 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Sister Henson-Toto, I don't think were in Kansas anymore
Will you do me a favor and look for my mission call? I want to make sure I was really called to Nebraska, not Oz. We have battled the elements this week and I’m scared they may have won. We have been on the watch all week for tornados. They ripped through an area just southeast of us and just to the west earlier this week. In fact, it took off part of an Elders roof. He was standing outside watching the storm and the Spirit told him to get inside. The moment he got in, part of the roof came off and landed right where he was standing. He may not have been smart enough to stay inside during a storm, but at least he was smart enough to listen to the Spirit!
We had quite an experience Sunday morning. With all this talk of tornados, Elder Chipman (the Trail Center director) and I put together a protocol. Did I mention last week that I am the Trail Center Trainer this transfer along with Sister Street? Anyway, we decided that if the sirens went off that we would come up to the trail center and go into the shelter that is here. Sunday morning, around 2:30am, I awoke to a slightly frightened Sister Hansen. “Are those the tornado sirens?” she asked. The sound I was hearing finally registered and I jumped out of bed. I have never moved so fast and felt so alert, thank you Spirit. We ran and got all of the other Sisters up (there are eight others who live in our apartments) and booked it to the Trail Center. It was pouring rain, the lightning and winds were insane. We were drenched by the time we got to the Trail Center. We started by sitting in the tunnel but quickly got bored. We ended up watching part of a movie in the theater in the basement until we got the all clear to go home. We didn’t get home until about 4am. It was quite the adventure. The tornado and winds did some decent damage but it actually wasn’t that close to us. It did hit part of our area but all our members were safe. I attribute our safety to the red shoes you sent me Mom. Someone teased me about being Dorothy but they sure came in handy ;)
Other than that, we met some new great people this week. We were out in an area that we don’t go to very often because it’s mostly businesses. Our appointment and back ups fell through so we started looking around. At the same time, Sister Hansen and I both saw the same small apartment building. It’s probably the only one I haven’t tracted. We decided to go try it, mind you, it’s 10:30am, not the greatest time to go out finding. We had faith, and the third door we knocked on we found Jonathan Lawler. He’s 19 and works at the zoo driving the tram! We started talking about his Church, he’s Lutheran and he made the comment, “I just don’t know which of all the sects I should go to, there are so many.” Sound familiar?! Sister Hansen piped right up and said, “Funny you should say that, Joseph Smith had the same question.” We then proceeded to teach him about the Restoration and he became a new investigator. He’s such a neat, normal, cool guy. The Lord is so good to us.
Everyone is doing very well. Will received the Priesthood on Sunday and is preparing to pass/bless the Sacrament. Anna and I believe a few of the other recent converts will be attending the Temple this weekend to do baptisms for the dead. I’m so excited for them. It’s always such an incredible experience to see them there.
Sister Hansen is just great. She is quite the scriptorian so I am learning so much from her. We have had some great companionship studies.
The Trail Center is getting so busy so we are loosing much of our time in the field. I really don’t mind too much because the Lord always finds a way to magnify our efforts and we see miracles. I’ve found that as long as I’m diligent, both in the Trail Center and the field, the Lord makes up the difference. Amazing how the Atonement works even in missionary work.
Well, I'm sorry I've got to run. We've got a busy day ahead of us. Thanks for your prayers and love!
Love, Sister Henson
Posted by Courtney J 0 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Sister Henson-Oh the anticipation!
And now.... the moment you've all been waiting for.... dun-dun-da-daaa! I survived! I am still in Winter Quarters! hahaha! Sister Moore was transferred to the Singles Ward out in Lincoln, NE. She was really excited to go, hopefully not because it meant getting away from me. My new companion is- get this- Sister Hansen! Yeah, President Newman said that it would be a good conversation piece, and it has. She is from Lynchburg, Virginia, she's 22 and 5'9, not sure why I threw in her height, but I thought it would help with a visual. She is so sweet, mild and a powerful teacher. I guess I didn't learn my lesson with my last companion, and the Lord is giving me another shot at developing and cultivating the qualities of meekness and mildness. She's great though and we're having a great time already. She also cooks healthy food, I might actually NOT gain weight this transfer. I won't get my hopes up though :)
It was also nice to start off the transfer with three baptisms! They all went through this week and were amazing. Will, former athiest, was baptized on Thursday, the 29th. There was a great ward turnout and just a great spirit there. He is so solid it's amazing. I've never met someone who was hungering and thirsting for the Gospel like he has. He is also already doing missionary work with his friends. He has been talking to all of them about the Gospel. In fact, he got in a pretty heated debate with one of his friends about Joseph Smith. One of the problems with kids these days is a tv show called South Park. They have done a couple really bad episodes that I have to deal with all the time. Will's friend Eric was bringing it up and saying that the show was really true. Will's logic completely confounded him. Will said that either Joseph Smith was telling the truth or making it all up. If he was making it up, then these other versions (like from South Park) can't be true because they are based on fiction. But if it's true, then what Joseph Smith said was really how it happened. So either way, all of the other versions, or side stories or myths, can't be true. Eric stopped arguing after that. I love that the Gospel is as logical as it is spiritual in nature. I really hope that last sentence made sense.
Justin and Anna's baptism was really nice. She was just glowing. I have seen a confidence and light come to her as she has been progressing and making friends. It's amazing to see how the Gospel fills so many needs and voids in peoples lives. I always knew that it did, but it's just great to actually see it happen in others lives as well as my own. Justin and Will are preparing now to receive the Priesthood so they can go to the temple and receive callings. They are both excited to be home teachers. Matt Young was also called to be a ward missionary this last week. He is going to start teaching us the lessons from Preach My Gospel to prepare for it. This will also count as his new member lessons. When Dustin Dryden, our ward mission leader, started to explain what a ward missionary does, I think all the big church words started to confuse him. He stopped Dustin and said "So, I'm just suppose to be people's friend, right?" I had to laugh. He has a desire to serve but is still figuring out how this whole thing works. I forget sometimes that it is a complete culture in itself.
I also wanted to mention one of my other favorite Sisters, though she is not my companion, Sister McKee. She is rubbing my shoulders and tickling my back as I write this. I love her.
One of my favorite teaching moments this week was with a girl named Shenita. She is young and has a 2 year old named Antonio. They are from Atlanta, Georgia and she has grown up baptist. We met her a couple weeks ago and were not able to catch her again until Friday. After we taught her the Restoration she grabbed the Book of Mormon with excitement and said "I'm going to read this and pray about it every night until you come back." She is so sweet.
One more quick story. Yesterday morning as we were serving at the Trail Center a man walked in and looked around like he was lost. I started talking to him and telling him what we have at the Trail Center. After I was done he said "Well, what if I don't really want to learn about the Pioneers, just the Church?" "Well," I answered,"I can take care of that." He didn't have too much time so I taught him about the Book of Mormon and gave him a copy. We got his information and promised to send him missionaries. He was so open and prepared. I wish I could be the one to teach him but I guess other missionaries need the great experiences that I'm having.
Anyway, I've got to run. Thanks for your prayers, I can feel them. I'm sure that they kept me sane last week as I awaited transfers. I love you!
Love, Sister Henson
Posted by Courtney J 0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Why I suck
Today I want to share with everyone 10 reasons why I suck. Maybe after this post I will give you 10 reasons why I'm cool just to balance things out.
1. I justify EVERYTHING. I work it through my head Mainly with food.
2. I feel like a horrible human if I don't cry every week in Relief Society. I guess I feel like if I don't cry, that means I didn't feel the spirit and that means I wasn't listening and that means I don't care. It's a sick cycle.
3. I hate when I have the be the last one to say 'I love you'. I should be happy that Tyler even says it to me, but that's why I suck.
4. I have NO patience for mean people. Which isn't really a bad thing but I am definitely not a peace maker. If someone gets snippy with me, I will surely rip them a new one.
5. I discriminate against anything indie/vintage. Oh wow, you found some sick, 80's, mom sweater at D.I.; you must be different from everyone else. I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but when the cover is wrapped in polyester and corduroy, I can't help myself.
6. If someone tells me to do something. I always do the exact opposite. I hate when I feel like I'm being controlled. But the trick with me is, if you ASK me to do something...I will do it.
7. I instantly hate anyone who smacks their food. If you don't know what smacking is, think of someone eating a banana or peanut butter with their mouth open. That's what smacking is and if I even hear it for a split second I will freak out and not talk to you until you are done feeding yourself. Contrary to popular opinion, smacking IS NOT a natural eating sound, and it CAN be avoided. Even if you are eating Gummy Bears.
8. I put animals lives before human lives. This might sound like a good thing. But I take it to the extreme. Seriously.
9. I hate dumb questions.
10. I'm too sarcastic for my own good.
This post has really turned out to be a post of complaints and things I hate. But it has been very therapeutic. Why did I do this post in the first place you ask? That's a dumb question.
Posted by Courtney J 6 comments