Happy Memorial Day everyone!
We had a nice little service this morning at the Trail Center (and by little, I mean about 500 hundred people). It was an Omaha Stake Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast! It started off over at the cemetery and was really nice. We then took Will shopping for Church clothes to get ready for his baptism on Thursday! He was so funny, he was nervous about picking out something tacky so he made me pick everything out. We took a member with us, Keith Scott, who is very fashion forward, and he helped a lot too. He is stylin’ now! I love spending other people’s money! See, missionary work brings so much joy, in all different ways ;) The ward also had a BBQ tonight and we had a great turnout from members and investigators. Anna Willis is progressing well; she was there and is getting ready for baptism this Saturday. Oh yeah, Justin was not able to get baptized last weekend. Smoking was getting the best of him, but the Lord provided a way for him to quit and he has been clean for 4 days now! He will get baptized with Anna on Saturday if he continues this way. The members felt so bad that he couldn't be baptized last week on Friday, which was also his birthday, so they threw him a surprise party! We were able to make an appearance and Justin was just glowing. You could tell that it meant so much to him. I'm sure he'll be ready for this Saturday. I’ve never had three baptisms in one week before. It is going to be an emotional week with that and the possibility of transfers. I’ve never been so anxious about them before. It’s not that I don’t trust that I’ll be where the Lord wants me to be, it’s just that I really am NOT ready to leave. I’ve seen the members, our investigators and recent converts progress so much, I can’t leave them now. There is still so much to do here. A couple of the members came up to me tonight to say goodbye just in case, and I almost started to cry. No one told me when I signed up for this that I would be shedding so many tears. The emotional part of the mission has definitely been the hardest part.
Everyone else is doing so great. The Trail Center is getting really busy. The month of May brought in hundreds of 3rd graders who had been learning about the Omaha history; which consists of the Mormon Pioneers and the Omaha Indians. It’s been a challenge to “herd” these kids through and not teach them the Gospel. We have to cut out all religion, obviously, and it’s quite a trick. But we always invite them to bring their families back so hopefully we’ll get the chance then. This last week alone we’ve had over 600 students through. It’s made for interesting but long days. A full day at the Trail Center is much harder on your body than a full day out proselyting. I’ve had a permanently horse voice for the past month. I do love it when it gets busy though. It’s a great opportunity to see the Spirit work when you have a shortened time to help strengthen someone’s testimony.
I’ve been thinking a lot about today being Memorial Day. What things are we suppose to remember? I asked myself that question and the first thing that came to my mind was our baptismal covenants. We promise or covenant to remember Jesus Christ. How well do we keep that part of the promise? It’s easy to track how well we’re keeping the commandments by simply evaluating our lives. But how do we track and measure how well we are remembering Christ? I’ve made an increased effort today to remember Him. I took the time that we spent traveling to just ponder on the Atonement and I was amazed by the things that the Spirit was able to teach me. It wasn’t much new information, but simply a different perspective. By remembering Him and thinking of new ways to apply the Atonement, I was able to draw closer to Him. This in turn will help me to better keep the commandments. Amazing how that works huh?! I love this Gospel.
I’m sorry that I’ve got to cut this email short. We have run out of time again today. Tune in next week to see where Sister Henson goes and how the baptisms went! Until then, pray for me! I love you!
Sister Henson
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sister Henso-Happy Memorial Day!
Posted by Courtney J 0 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Sorry Ottavio's
Every time someone in our office has a birthday, we celebrate by going out to lunch. This coming Monday is going to be Dee's birthday(yes, along with being my friend and future cousin-in-law, she also works with me). I have been seeing amazing reviews about this new place called Gloria's Little Italy. Just reading these reviews makes my mouth water. Provo city is really lacking in the Italian food department and Ottavio's used to be my favorite, but I don't know what has happened lately, they are just not cutting it for me anymore. So Dee decides we should try this new place out and since we have 8 women in our office.... let's just say everyone has their opinion on what good food is. We get there and the first thing you see are the desserts that just by looking at them, adds 5 pounds to your gluteus. We get sat and I order the lunch special which comes with pasta, salad, a drink and bread. The salad was the first to come out, it came with a Caesar dressing which was very very tasty. Then came the pasta, I order the Salsa Fresca something or other. It was like a creamy tomato sauce and Penne noodles. Again very delicious. I am a carb addict and a connaisseur of anything starch. This bread was probably the 2nd best bread I have ever had in my 22 years of living(I have to give the #1 spot to Ottavio's). The waitress( which usually I HATE dealing with "wanna be your friend to get a good tip" waitresses and waiters) was really cute, funny and very sweet. Which made the whole experience that much more enjoyable. Now onto dessert, I almost didn't order dessert, but of course we all know how easily it is to sway me when it comes to food. I order a chocolate covered cannoli. Oh my gosh! Usually when I eat something that I love, it's gone in 2.5 seconds. This cannoli is aWHOLE other story. I only let myself take a bite every 10 minutes so that I can make it last all day. It is truly heaven on earth. I still cannot get over how awesome the food was. I can't wait to take Tyler there. Tyler is a food snob, me on the other hand could anything without a face. So more often than not, Tyler ends up expecting too much and leaves with a hole in his pocket and a low opinion of my taste buds . I'm spilling my guts here so when I tell explain the food to him, I will seem more cool and Non Shalant about the whole thing. To make things better, Gloria and her husband(Im sure he has a name, I just don't know it) are from Italy, I read somewhere that they moved here to start their own business. Thank you for choosing P-town. I love this place, loved the people and the prices(my whole meal was only 10 bucks). Gloria has truly raised the bar.
Gloria's Little Italy
279 E 300 S, Provo, UT 84606
(801) 805-4913 Gloria and her cute hubby.
Posted by Courtney J 1 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sister Henson-O Happy Day!
Dear Family!
It has been another week of miracles here in Omaha, Nebraska! Hmmm, where to start?! Well, the weather is something to rave about right now. Steady 75-80 degree temps with a slight breeze, perfect. My missionary tan lines are coming alone nicely. OK, now for the really great stuff.
We had Zone Conference this last week and Sister Moore and I gave a training on how to help our investigators become better prepared for their baptismal dates. I was a little nervous about how nervous Sister Moore would be. She is doing great and has come a long way but if she gets nervous, she doesn’t talk. Despite my ability to blab, I didn’t want to have to give a forty minute training by myself. But the Spirit was there and it went really well. Miracle number one.
Next, you remember Justin, the one who is getting baptized on Friday… he brought his new friend, that happens to be a girl, to the FHE activity last Monday. But instead of going to play games with other members, she decided that she wanted to be taught, right then and there! We did not argue of course, and taught her about the Restoration. She is now set for baptism on May 31st and is progressing well. The members have really embraced her and she has already had spiritual experiences to help strengthen her faith. She really needs the healing power of the Atonement and I have seen it begun, it’s just amazing. Miracle number two.
Now, the moment you all didn’t know you were waiting for, and the moment I’ve dreamed of for about a week ;) …… Will, the atheist, is getting baptized! Follow me as I relate the story of his conversion. The Elders in Conestoga, Reynolds and Anderson, met him and Eric in downtown Omaha in a place called Old Market (that is where we go soap-boxing on the weekends). They arranged for us to go teach them the next day with them, kind of a transition lesson. The very first time we taught them was the 7th of May, and almost the entire lesson was a debate on the existence of God. Not so much a heated argument, just a debate. Well, they lost, obviously and wanted us to come back the very next day. It went that way the entire week until this last Thursday the 15th. Eric went out of town so we just started meeting with Will. Now that Eric and Will couldn’t play off of each other for arguments, Will was much softer and willing to keep commitments. This is where Will’s conversion really picked up. Saturday we took Anna and Will to see a baptism and took them on a tour of the Church. That night, Will, Friedo and Dustin (our ward mission leader) all came down to Old Market to soap box! Those three actually handed out pass a long cards while we sang and preached! It was incredible! Sunday we had Friedo, Anna, and Will at all three hours of church and to a Fireside that night where we talked about missionary work. Will and Anna are so excited to be baptized. I’m blown away by the way the Spirit softened and changed these two hearts. It’s interesting to note how different these three have been converted to the Gospel. Heavenly Father knows each of us perfectly and how to touch our hearts. It’s so evident with them. They are so different and have such unique backgrounds. Nothing but the true Gospel of Jesus Christ could be everything to so many different people. It doesn’t work for just some, it’s for all of God’s children. So that’s miracle number three, four, five, really I can’t count that high.
There were also some other highlights at Church. Keith Brown, recent convert, blessed the sacrament and did it right on his first try. I was so proud of him. Matt Young, Keith Brown and Trever Graber were all asked to bare their testimonies in sacrament meeting. The talk given by the high councilor was on testimonies. Matt said his testimony was the peace he’s felt while at Church and reading The Book of Mormon. Trever also said that he knew the Church was true because it embraced him like God’s embraced him. He’s very poetic I’ve come to find. It was just a wonderful day. I love our members.
This is our last full week of the transfer. We’ll find out what’s going on next Wednesday. I really have no idea what is going to happen. I am praying that I will be able to stay, but if not, that the Lord will change my heart so that I’ll be ok to leave. We know at this point that one of us will be leaving, but it really could be either of us. I do have faith that the right thing will happen, I guess I just have to pray to be able to align my will with the will of the Lord.
I’ve had something on my mind the last couple of days. Why was I so blessed to be born into a family that has embraced the Gospel? Why do I have this knowledge when there are so many others that need it? Out of the estimated 27 billion who have lived or live on the earth, why am I blessed to be one of the one million missionaries who have been or are spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ? My only conclusion is that I must have made some kind of bargain with the Lord before this life. I’m not sure what I promised Him but it certainly has helped me to be even more diligent and obedient this week. I often ask people who come to the Trail Center what truth has caused them to do. The Truth caused over a hundred thousand people to sacrifice everything they had, sometimes their lives, to gather to Zion. What will Truth cause you to do?
Thanks for your prayers and love.
Love, Sister Henson
p.s. This message is from Courtney. Everyone who is reading this, go to my mom's blog and watch the video of my grandparents. They are my mom's parents and they live in a small town called Pendleton, OR. It is the funniest thing! So classic.
Posted by Courtney J 0 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
I hate Oranges
So I'm at my parents house for my lunch break. I had the craving for a orange and saw that my parents had one left. It has been a LONG time since I have a had satisfactory orange, so I was hoping this would be my lucky day. So I start peeling the skin off as I'm watching the movie "Nothing to Lose" with the very handsome Dr. Cox from Scrubs. Anyway, so I get the orange all peeled and I start to section it off. To my utter horror and absolute disgust, I see this!!!!!!
Mind you, this just barely happened no more than 10 minutes ago. I am still cringing! What the heck could this be??? Has this happened to anyone else? UGH! I can't handle it! It makes me sick to even look at this picture. I was about to throw this away but my brother wanted to figure out what it was. He is touching it! Oh man, this has officially ruined my day. As if having a bad hair day wasn't enough. Thanks Orange.
Posted by Courtney J 6 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
Happy Birthday My Ty
Surprise-another late post. My lovely, wonderfully gorgeous husband celebrated his 24th birthday this past Friday May 9th. I took the day off of work so that we could both get new Social Security cards and of course to be with the birthday boy. Of course we didn't make it to the SS office because SOMEONE slept in until noon. But if that's how he wants to spend his day of birth-so be it. Anyway, we went shopping and he got some cute new pants that make his bootay look fabulous. He was even nice enough to let me get a few things too. Then we went over to my parents to have pizza and cake. My brother, Chase, had a birthday on May 7th so it was a combined bash for the both of them. The party lasted all of about 27 minutes. We are not a very lively bunch. The best part of all was going to see Iron Man!! I freaking love that movie. I have a huge crush on Iron Man. No, not Robert Downy Jr., the metal guy. Don't ask how one can fall in love with a ton of tin, but I fell hard.
So all in all it was a nice, low key day. As opposed to our other exciting, adventurous days. Looking back on this post, I really didn't talk about Tyler at all. Wow.
Tyler I love you! We are the most OPPOSITE but the same people I have ever known. I wouldn't have it any other way. Love. Don't worry, he's not always this nice.
Seriously guys?
Nice bro...
Posted by Courtney J 0 comments
Sister Henson-Happy Mother's Day!
Well, I apologize for all those who didn’t get to talk to me yesterday on Mothers Day because I’m afraid I feel like I have nothing to say now. But it was worth it, it was good to hear everyone’s voice, except Kasey’s, because he still doesn’t sound like my brother. That is going to take some time for me to get used to. Sorry KC!
I did want to update everyone on our investigators and recent converts very quickly. Trever blessed the sacrament yesterday at church! I was brimming with pride and joy! He was pretty nervous, you could tell, but felt really excited to have a responsibility at church. After it was over he began telling me that his new calling was to organize the sacrament, to make sure there was bread and people to pass, etc. At first he didn’t seem very excited but I explained to him that the sacrament is one of the most important ordinances in the church. I think now he is excited to have such an important responsibility. Justin is doing great, long story short, he cannot be baptized until May 20th, and his birthday is the 23rd so he decided to be baptized that day. Freido came to all three hours of Church and loved it. We will be teaching him today and he is progressing well. He was very involved in the classes and felt the love of the members.
Have I told you about my two new favorite investigators, Eric and Will? They claim to be atheist. We have taught them several times now and it’s amazing to see the Spirit work with them. They are both about 21 and they are very smart and logical. At the beginning of every lesson they want to debate God or some aspect of the Gospel. They often visit anti-Mormon websites so we often have to resolve those issues. As the lesson progresses and we begin to teach true principles that the Spirit is then able to testify of, we see them, almost physically, begin to be confounded by the Spirit. Meaning they go from being very bold and boisterous to not having a word to say. You can’t argue with truth, they are quickly learning that. By the end of the lesson, they seem almost passive and softened and readily accept any commitments we extend. It’s been a new experience for me to start at level one with an investigator. Usually they have some sort of foundation or faith, but these two have lost whatever faith they had. Eric comes from a Catholic background and Will from a non-denominational background. As I have thought about them, my mind goes to Alma Chapter 32 where we learn about the seed of faith. I have come to the conclusion that they were given a seed of faith at one point in their lives, but because their previous Faiths did not have the fullness of the Gospel, they felt something lacking. The seed that they planted didn’t produce the fruit that was “sweet about all that is sweet” (32:42). They naively believed then that God didn’t exist (I am sure that some other factors contributed). But still, not their fault, the seed that they were given wasn’t one of complete Truth, one that would bring the fruit that they were seeking. I imagine that is the case with most people who are passive in their belief about God or his Son, Jesus Christ. The seeds that they have planted so far haven’t had the power or truth to bring the fruit that brings a fullness of joy. It might be that they are tired of having their hands dirty, taking care of this seed that doesn’t do much for them. My prayer for them is that they consider planting the seed of THIS Gospel. The complete, fullness of truth. I know that if they did so, they would find the seed begin to swell, grow and enlarge their understanding. It would bring forth fruit that makes the work worthwhile. I believe Eric and Will are rolling up their sleeves, getting the soil ready to plant that seed.
We have another busy week ahead of us. In fact, we don’t get much of a preparation day today, too many appointments. That’s a missionaries dream, too many appointments ;) We are striving for the Zone of Excellence this week, we were so close last time, I’m sure the Lord will lead us to those who are hungry and want some fruit ;)
So remember us in your prayers, especially you Mom. We all know God listens to you more quickly than the rest of us, haha!
I love you, Sister Henson
By the way, I do have the greatest Mother in the history of Mothers. Just so you know. I hope you are open to the Spirit right now so that He can testify to you that I speak the truth :)
Love, Sister Henson
Posted by Courtney J 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Sister Henson-Give me 2 Moe!
Hey family,
Another great Mission Of Excellence week, in fact, it truly was excellent! Our zone was working particularly hard to get the Zone of Excellence and we only missed it by a couple of people at Church, no other zone has ever gotten that close. The mission came up short on only a few key indicators, but it was an improvement from last time. It’s incredible to see the way the mission is rising. There are currently 108 people set to enter the waters of baptism, 90 of them will be in the month of May. Our monthly average has been about 30! I know! It’s incredible what the Lord has been able to do with missionaries who are willing to step it up and rise to new levels of obedience, sacrifice and diligence. And let’s not forget the incredible members we have here. On Friday and Saturday, we had members with us the entire day. They just went everywhere with us, teaching, tracting and out soap-boxing again. Here are some highlights from the week.
Barry and Andrea. We found them in the same apartment complex that we found Justin, Trever and Matt. That place is a gold mine. We knocked on the door and Barry answered and invited us in without us even saying a word! I wasn’t sure he knew who we were but I wasn’t about to argue. I asked a couple questions to see what his religious background was and he told us that he was a church hopper looking for the power and authority (yes, he even used those words) that is talked about in the Bible and that he had been baptized several times because he didn’t feel like they were doing it the right way. I proceeded to pick my jaw up off of the floor and teach him about the Restoration. He ate it up! Not sure if we’ll be able to keep him as an investigator, I’m not sure if Andrea is a friend, girlfriend or wife. But he’s incredible!
Friedo is working towards baptism in June now! He is doing so well; I’ve never seen someone study the scriptures so intently. He came to Church again this last week and said “I’m going to fit right into the Mormon culture.” He said that in response to a member explaining what Mormon Standard Time was… we all got a good chuckle.
Sunday was actually the most incredible day. Fast and Testimony meeting took on the theme of missionary work! It was really every missionaries dream to have a meeting like that. The members were sharing how their testimonies had been strengthened by all the new members and investigators and that they were excited to do their own missionary work. Trever actually got up and bore his testimony as well, it made me cry. Among other things, this is what he said, “I know the Church is true. I know it, because I’ve been to all the other churches, and they don’t have it. This one does.” He said it with so much conviction, I felt the Spirit testify to me that he had said was true. I loved that part most of all; that the Spirit was now testifying to me through his words, and not the other way around. He and Keith were ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood as well. Matt would have been but he was really sick this weekend. He’ll receive it next week though.
With school out, our ward grew with new people coming home and people out to do sales. We’ve got some great recently returned missionaries that are so ready to get to work. I’m so excited for that.
Justin is doing great too. He’ll be baptized on Saturday. He talked to us yesterday about serving a mission. How it works and how he could prepare! I know, wouldn’t that be the greatest thing ever!
We also did a little soap-boxing this Saturday. We met some great people and found three new investigators through it. Also a couple for the other singles ward. It’s also been a great tool to help Sister Moore be bolder. I’ve loved watching her grow these last two months.
I have also strengthened my testimony this week of prayer. It is a powerful thing and Heavenly Father truly does hear and answer them. I’ve been praying for charity lately and the Lord gave me a pretty big trial. I couldn’t figure out for the longest time why I had to go through it and I was pretty frustrated with myself. One night as we were driving home, it clicked. As Ether 12:27 states, we are given weaknesses so we can be humble. When we are humble, we then have a place for the pure love of Christ to reside in our hearts. Once I figured that out, I began to make the changes necessary to humble myself, instead of making the Lord do it. So hopefully now I can grow in charity and humility. Isn’t it amazing how when we look back on our trials, we always see the wisdom in it? While in the thick of it, we just have to push through it knowing that it is for our benefit. What a great perspective the restored Gospel has given us on life. I met many people who simply blame God and get angry when bad/hard things happen. How grateful I am for the hope and optimism the Gospel gives us.
I love you all, thanks for your prayers and letters.
Love, Sister Henson
Posted by Courtney J 0 comments